Registered user since Wed 24 Feb 2021
Name:Michel Albonico
He is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Technology, ParanĂ¡ (UTFPR), Brazil, where he teaches Software Engineering and Distributed Applications courses. He recently completed two postdoctoral fellowships: 1) at the ISW/University of Stuttgart, Germany (2023-2024); and 2) at the Software and Sustainability Research Group (S2Group)/Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands (2020-2021). He has also worked as a visiting researcher at INESC/TEC of the University of Porto, Portugal for a short-term period in 2024. He holds a PhD in Software Engineering from Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, Nantes, France.
Affiliation:Federal University of Technology, ParanĂ¡ (UTFPR)
Personal website: https://michel.iotrixx.com.br
X (Twitter): https://x.com/michelalbonico
Research interests:Software Engineering for Robotics/IoT, Empirical Software Engineering, Mining Software Repositories
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