MSR 2025
Mon 28 - Tue 29 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025
Georgios Gousios

Registered user since Mon 8 Apr 2019

Name:Georgios Gousios

Dr. Georgios Gousios is Chief of Research at Endor Labs and an associate professor at the Software Engineering Group, Delft University of Technology. He works in the fields of sofware ecosystems, software testing, and machine learning for software engineering. His research has been published in top venues (ICSE, FSE, TSE), where he has received 4 distinguished paper awards and a 10 year Most Influential Paper award. He is the main author of the GHTorrent data collection and curation framework (for which he received a foundational contribution award) and various widely used tools and datasets. He was the PI for the FASTEN project, that aims to improve the state of dependency management, and the CodeFeedr project which delivers real time software analytics.

Dr. Gousios holds a PhD with distinction in Software Engineering (mining software repositories) from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and an MSc with distinction (software engineering) from the University of Manchester.

Affiliation:Endor Labs & Delft University of Technology
Personal website:
Research interests:Software engineering, dependency management, machine learning


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